Dough Boy Design Community Engagement

standing room only crowd at roberto clemente

On September 7th 2016, this article was updated with meeting notes from the project team. See link below.

On July 11th LC invited Lawrenceville residents and stakeholders to begin a conversation about how best to pursue a mixed-use, affordable development at 3400-3404 and 3330-3350 Penn Avenue.

The crowd gathered in the beautiful space at The Clemente Museum to hear about LC’s goals of using these two sites to pursue and implement neighborhood priorities: 1) creating mixed-use buildings with a commercial presence on the ground floor to activate the street,  and 2) developing housing options that are affordable in our neighborhood.

After a brief presentation from LC and our design team of 4080 Architecture and Studio for Spatial Practice, the crowd of over 90 people divided into breakout groups. In these groups residents and stakeholders asked questions and generated a robust conversation about the current development in the neighborhood and what this new opportunity should incorporate. The meeting concluded at 7:30 but several smaller conversations lingered well afterwards.

Lawrenceville Corporation is excited to see so many people engaged about a key development in our neighborhood and we look forward to building off of the conversation that began on the 11th.

This post is a living document. As we work through the information collected in the breakout groups this post will be updated with meeting notes so be sure to check back soon.

More questions? Send a message to LC’s Real Estate & Planning Manager, Ed Nusser at He can also be reached at 412-621-1616 x 106.

Check out the presentation here.

Read the meeting notes here.

Thanks to FortyEighty Architecture and The Studio for Spatial Practice for their hard work and co-presenting/facilitating skills.

RSVP for the September 15th meeting by filling out the form below

Breakout session with engaged crowd

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