Mobility Enhancement District Implementation Phase
What is a Mobility Enhancement District?
The Mobility Enhancement District is legislation written by Councilwoman Deb Gross that aims to better manage parking demand along the commercial district in Lawrenceville, while funding much-needed mobility and infrastructure improvements to make Lawrenceville safer, more accessible, and easier to get around for all community members, while increasing foot traffic that our small business community depends on.
A dedicated, locally controlled source of funds for mobility improvements in Lawrenceville, which would come from:
- New meters along Butler Street
- Nighttime enforcement of meters
- Dynamic pricing that would capture extra revenue when demand is at its peak
- This is a 1 year pilot
We want your Feedback
- Read More and ask Questions of City Staff on the Lawrenceville Mobility Enhancement Engage Page
- Read the meeting recap
- Fill out the LC/LU Feedback Form
Our Engagement in 2023
April 13th, 6:30PM at Arsenal Middle School: Kickoff Community Meeting (recap here)
April 18th, 5pm-7pm at Trace Brewing: Open House #1
April 29th, 11am-2pm at Ice House Studios: Open House #2
May 1st, 11am-2pm at Boys and Girls Club: Open House #3
May 11th, 6:30pm at Goodwill: Closing Community Meeting
What are the goals of this process?
Create positive, community-determined mobility enhancements to our neighborhood streets to benefit the community members and our visitors, including: sidewalk repair, bus shelters, parking solutions, etc.
Improve our public infrastructure
Manage parking demand more effectively
What is a Mobility Enhancement District (MED)?
The Mobility Enhancement District is an ordinance written by Councilwoman Deb Gross that aims to better manage parking demand along the commercial district in Lawrenceville, while funding much-needed mobility and infrastructure improvements to make Lawrenceville safer, more accessible, and easier to get around for all community members, while increasing foot traffic that our small business community depends on.
Quick notes:
-Legislation (read here) has been introduced by Councilwoman Gross and is sitting in committee
-This would create a dedicated, locally controlled source of funds for mobility improvements in Lawrenceville, which would come from:
- New meters along Butler Street and Penn Avenue
- Nighttime enforcement of meters
- Dynamic pricing that would capture extra revenue when demand is at its peak
- Potential uses of MED based off of Butler Street Design Guidelines Plan (est. 2019):
- Bus shelters
- Sidewalk repairs
- Bike infrastructure
- Traffic Calming
- Give us your feedback!
Note: Revenue for the fund would NOT come from enforcement (ticketing).
Map of Proposed Mobility Enhancement District
What is Residential Permit Parking (RPP)?
A program that gives residents of a designated area a better chance to park near their home. A permit costs $20 per vehicle, per program year. People without the permit are allowed to park in the designated RPP areas for one hour before being subject to a ticket.
Key questions we want community input on:
- Is there demand for new RPP areas on residential blocks that are experiencing high parking demand and don’t currently require permits?
- Are changes necessary to hours of enforcement to better manage parking demand in the evening? (for example, would noon to midnight be better enforcement hours in RPP areas instead of 7 AM to 7 PM?)
- Is there interest in hybrid zones (an RPP area that would additionally allow for non-residents to pay for parking at a meter)?
What are Some Residential Permit Parking Options (RPP)?
To get community members thinking about the questions listed in the previous section, we are sharing three options for how different versions of RPP and Hybrid RPP areas might be configured. THESE ARE NOT THE ONLY OPTIONS. These options are not proposals that we’re trying to advance, so much as three different ideas to consider while we invite your feedback on possible RPP changes and while we try to determine where consensus may exist in the community.
Option A – Status Quo – Keep RPP how it currently is in Lawrenceville
Option B – Add RPP and Hybrid Zones
Option C – All RPP with Meters