Lawrenceville Resident Streetscape Survey
Lawrenceville Corp. received funding from the URA to create a set of ideal design guidelines for Butler Street! Because development occurs so rapidly in our neighborhood, our infrastructure is [...]
Lawrenceville Now Home to 14 Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants
In 2016, Lawrenceville Corporation partnered with Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants to support the restaurants in our neighborhood already on the fast track to implementing creative sustainable [...]
Ringing in 2017 in Lawrenceville
2016 has been a year of monumental change for most of us. We have switched jobs, bought houses, brought new (human or furry) life into the world. And Lawrenceville keeps pace. Our 2.5 miles of [...]
What’s New at
Here at Lawrenceville Corporation we are committed to connecting residents, businesses, and guests alike to all the activity the neighborhood has to offer. We are excited to unveil our new [...]