We focus on developing new housing and commercial space as well as assisting in the acquisition of blighted properties for suitable redevelopment.





21st Century Business District

Today’s business districts are likely to attract a broader regional audience, contain clusters of businesses that benefit from co-location (such as restaurants or specialty retail), and lean towards entertainment or leisure related businesses.

Lawrenceville Corporation’s continuing role in neighborhood business development focuses on innovative marketing, integrated transportation management, maintaining the neighborhood’s authentic identity and adherence to plans, monitoring tipping points, and preserving diversity of uses.

Market Maturity

Lawrenceville has gained notoriety due to population increase, growth and rebirth of is business districts, and a rise in property values. The Lawrenceville Corporation acts upon lessons learned in similar Pittsburgh communities and others around the nation that have experienced maturing markets.

Important issues to address include raising the capacity of existing residents to access new economic opportunities, maintaining affordability and helping to prevent displacement, formalizing community goals, and implementing new mechanisms to recapture community economic investment.

Ecodistrict Communities

Ecodistricts enable local resiliency through a comprehensive set of considerations such as access to local food, the provision of reliable and distributed energy, and the capturing of resources and offsetting of liability of water and other infrastructure. Lawrenceville is doing many things that support ecodistrict development, like advocating for infrastructure improvements, a diversity of economic opportunities, and improvements to local ecosystems.

LC is working to aggregate these ideas and set tangible goals that could connect and inform future projects and increase community resiliency.

A Complete Riverfront

Decreased industrial uses and intensified market pressures are defining today’s urban riverfront communities. The Green Boulevard Plan and Allegheny Riverfront Vision broadened the scope of possible projects and initiatives for the community to address. Understanding the economic and environmental balance of interests, while providing leadership in green infrastructure development and transportation improvements will be key facets of LC’s strategy in guiding growth along the riverfront.


For information about current development opportunities in Lawrenceville, contact Lauren Connelly at lauren@lawrencevillecorp.com or by calling 412.621.1616 x 101.

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