Become a member

Lawrenceville Corporation offers residential, business, and sponsorship levels of membership. Members can sit on Lawrenceville Corporation committees, vote for positions within LC’s board and committees, and receive discounts on business district programming. All of our members receive a subscription to a Lawrenceville business resource based e-newsletter, strategic discounts, access to networking events, the knowledge that they are making a difference for the community, and so much more.

Members of the Lawrenceville Corporation should reflect our organizational vision and values, which you can read in full here. By joining as a member, you acknowledge, understand and commit to upholding those values and vision to make our neighborhood an authentic, equitable and accessible place.

Member Benefits

Social Media Promotion

Story Shares  – LC will periodically share your Instagram posts to our social media (LC Instagram: 11K and Facebook 13K)

Social Media Take-Overs – Members have the opportunity to take-over our social media pages (One grid post and unlimited stories)

Member Spotlight – A once a month opportunity for members to be highlighted in our newsletter and on social media 

Event Hosting

The opportunity to host our networking events to bring people into your establishment and promote your business

Programmatic Discounts

Discounts for Cookie Tour Registration, Annual Meeting, and other events

Levels of Membership

Residential - $50

Available to any Lawrenceville resident.

  • Buy Lawrenceville By Lawrenceville window decal featuring the Doughboy
  • Ability to serve and vote for positions within LC’s board and committees

Multi-Tenant -$150

Available to businesses who are located in a larger co-working or retail space.

  • Buy Lawrenceville By Lawrenceville window decal and poster featuring the Doughboy
  • Ability to serve and vote for positions within LC’s board and committees
  • Special benefits and discounts

Business Owner - $250

Available to small businesses or companies with less than 10 employees.

  • Buy Lawrenceville By Lawrenceville window decal and poster featuring the Doughboy
  • Ability to serve and vote for positions within LC’s board and committees
  • Special benefits and discounts

Business Owner - $400

Available to small businesses or companies with 10 or more employees.

  • Buy Lawrenceville By Lawrenceville window decal and poster featuring the Doughboy
  • Ability to serve and vote for positions within LC’s board and committees
  • Special benefits and discounts

**Please contact us if you need assistance with membership dues


Contact Ross Greenberg, Business District Coordinator, at or call 412.621.1616 x 102.

Contact Us

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